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How Coronado Can Build a Top-Notch Climate Action Plan

Updated: Oct 15, 2020

Last week, we collaborated with partners on a letter to Coronado’s Mayor Bailey and City Council with our recommendations for their forthcoming Climate Action Plan (CAP). 

While all of our recommendations are essential features of a strong CAP (check ‘em out here), here are some key highlights: 

  1. Build a roadmap for a Zero Carbon future.

  2. Set a 100% clean energy target. 

  3. Electrify everything, including buildings. 

  4. Encourage telecommuting through specific strategies.

Change happens at every level so we’re working with cities throughout San Diego and Orange Counties to make sure local policymakers take every crucial step to reduce our emissions and stop the climate crisis. Want to take a look at some best CAP practices in our region? Check out our 4th Edition Report Card.

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