Apr 92 min

Climate Check: How Southern California is Performing on Climate

With California at the epicenter of climate change—from devastating floods to deadly wildfires—our legislation must reflect the urgency of the climate crisis. 

Many of our cities are falling behind in reaching climate goals needed to protect our families and neighbors. It’s time to double down, secure historic funding opportunities for climate action, and create resilient communities.

Enter Climate Action Plans (CAPs): necessary roadmaps to an equitable zero-carbon future. Yet, CAPs are only as good as their implementation. Many CAPs are ineffective because they aren’t legally binding, lack detailed implementation, or leave out key strategies to address equity issues or green job creation.

So, how can communities know which policies and plans are strong and which are greenwashing efforts? Our Climate Action Plan Report Card is here to help! Every year, we release a report card that grades San Diego or Orange County cities on their climate action progress. 

And we’ve made waves! Since the 2017 release of our inaugural Report Card, the number of San Diego cities with a CAP increased by 44%. That’s huge! Our success in San Diego allowed us to expand our grading efforts into Orange County. Last year, we released our inaugural Orange County CAP Report Card.

We want to thank you and our community for your support. These reports take months to craft, and it is through your efforts and contributions that our advocacy and watchdogging efforts are successful. 

We have some good news! In the next few months, we’ll release an updated report for both the San Diego and Orange County regions. Follow us on socials, subscribe to our newsletter, or bookmark our website to stay tuned

While you wait, here’s everything you need to know  ⬇️
