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Switch on Success: Sweetwater School District Joins the Fight for a Brighter, Healthier Future

“Students are the future and we owe it to them to create not only cleaner, healthier schools but communities that are resilient and sustainable. With electrification, we’re building a healthier, sustainable future and creating a ripple effect that extends beyond school walls.” - Serena Pelka, Climate Action Campaign Policy Advocate

Over the last few months, San Diego students have taken action to shape their own future. Coming together, they passionately drafted and advocated for an electrification resolution for the Sweetwater Union High School District. On Monday, the Sweetwater Board of Trustees unanimously passed the student-led electrification resolution, marking another historic win for local school districts!

In April, San Diego Unified School District became the first district in San Diego to embrace an all-electric resolution. Sweetwater’s new resolution builds on this momentum to shape a better future!

The resolution commits to phasing out fossil fuels from all district infrastructure, including all buildings and bus fleets, by 2035. The resolution will phase out all fossil fuels from the district through several actions, including for new buildings to be constructed all-electric and the development of a required Green Jobs curriculum.

With students, teachers, and staff spending the majority of their days inside school buildings, fossil fuels expose them to a range of health risks including respiratory illnesses and cancer. By taking charge and fighting for a switch to electrification, these students are successfully creating a future of schools that prioritize the health and well-being of students and faculty.

This resolution positions the Sweetwater Union High School District to secure historic federal funding that can be reinvested into our schools and communities. With two districts now committing to an all-electric future, this is our time to build on this momentum and continue to advocate for these successes to be replicated across other Southern California districts!

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