
Our region needs 100% clean energy for all—
where every community has the power to decide their energy future.

Why 100% Clean Energy?
Transitioning to 100% local clean energy is essential to curb our region's second-largest source of greenhouse gas emissions: electricity. Investing in local renewable energy will create thousands of jobs, paving the way for a green economy that ensures a safer and more reliable energy future.
Many Southern California residents face increasingly high utility bills, with nearly 25% of SDG&E's residential ratepayers having missed payment deadlines.
We're paying some of the country's highest utility rates because monopoly utilities prioritize gas industry profit over people and the planet. Within the City of San Diego alone, SDG&E makes $1 million daily in net profits!
This shouldn't be our reality; we deserve better than the highest rates for dirty energy. Enter Community Choice Energy programs.
The Fight For Community Choice
Climate Action Campaign has been at the forefront of this energy transition, securing a landmark 100% clean energy Climate Action Plan in 2015. Through strong partnerships with local entities over five years, we harnessed grassroots support and gained Community Planning Group endorsements, pushing Community Choice across the finish line.
We pioneered the launch of two CCE programs in San Diego, San Diego Community Power and the Clean Energy Alliance, and the Orange County Power Authority in Orange County. With 17 cities in San Diego and Orange County participating in a CCE program, we’re on a mission to continue to expand energy democracy across California!
Clean EnergyEveryone deserves access to safe, reliable, and affordable clean energy. Every community deserves to benefit from the clean energy economy, including having access to good, family-sustaining jobs. Clean energy strategies must include a plan to keep workers and communities dependent on gas and other fossil fuels for their livelihoods whole. The jobs created by clean energy strategies in the region must benefit San Diego’s communities of concern.
World Class TransitEveryone deserves access to reliable, clean transportation that connects us to jobs, schools, stores, and life’s essentials. Transit-dependent communities—too long forced to bear the burdens of pollution and disinvestment—must be at the center of transportation planning and decision-making.
All-Electric BuildingsEveryone deserves to live in safe, healthy homes that run on clean electricity and are free of indoor air pollution and climate-harming natural gas. Building Electrification strategies must prioritize the communities that need the benefits the most and provide the most financial assistance to those with the greatest need. BE policies must include a just transition plan for workers and communities dependent on gas and other fossil fuels for their livelihoods. The jobs created by BE strategies in the region must first benefit San Diego’s communities of concern.
ResiliencyEvery community deserves access to clean air and clean water. Investments in resiliency like expanding and tending to our existing tree canopy must first benefit the communities overburdened by air pollution. We must reimagine and rebuild our city’s infrastructure to promote clean air, clean water, and healthy ecosystems. As we rebuild this infrastructure, we must prioritize communities of concern and ensure the creation of good family-sustaining union jobs.
Walkable, Bikeable NeighborhoodsHousing is a human right, and everyone deserves quality housing that is affordable and close to life’s essentials, like good schools, jobs, grocery stores, and parks. Every community deserves access to convenient, affordable, and reliable public transportation and safe pedestrian and bike facilities. Our streets aren’t safe until they are safe for everyone. Without a plan to include and protect people with disabilities, BIPOC folks, and LGBTQ+ communities, or a plan to address anti-Black vigilantism, police brutality, and disproportionate policing on our streets and transit systems, our streets can’t be truly safe. Truly inclusive transportation planning must center and uplift these voices, even when it's difficult to hear. San Diego and Orange County can’t be strong, resilient, or sustainable in the face of increased climate disaster without upholding everyone’s right to be sheltered.
Equity and JusticeThe communities that have suffered the most from environmental racism and disinvestment must be the FIRST to receive the benefits of the clean energy economy and investments in climate resilience.
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Why Community Choice?
Community Choice Energy (CCE), or Community Choice Aggregation (CCA), empowers ratepayers by providing energy democracy and decision-making abilities. CCEs enable communities to select their energy sources, promoting a path to 100% clean energy. 94% of OCPA residential customers opted into the 100% Renewable Energy plan. Relying solely on investor-owned utilities excludes ratepayers from crucial decisions, whereas CCEs give ratepayers a seat at the table and reinvest generated revenue into community programs.