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Unlocking Resources: The Role of Regional Collaboration in Climate Action

As our communities grapple with the impacts of the changing climate, it becomes increasingly clear that we need to act as a united front to mitigate and adapt to these challenges.  

The largest local climate threat? Greenhouse gas emissions. The County of San Diego released a Regional Decarbonization Framework (RDF) that acts as a roadmap to reaching zero carbon emissions by 2035.  We need collaboration on a regional scale to reach a zero carbon future, and the RDF is our guidebook.  Climate impacts span jurisdictional boundaries, and so should our solutions. This is why we are working hand in hand with frontline communities to ensure that the RDF is informed and driven by the very communities that are facing the biggest impacts of all. 

Looking ahead to 2024, our advocacy centers around a strong Regional Climate Readiness Table that will act as a partnership between local governments, businesses, frontline communities, and community-based organizations.

The role of the table is to prioritize regional climate resilience projects by attracting large-scale funding opportunities. With billions in historic climate funding from the state and federal government, this is Southern California’s moment to secure resources that can be invested into the well-being of our communities. 

Our cities have tried to fight climate change in a siloed way, but this is not the way. We need to stand together and center regional collaboration to create an equitable and sustainable future.

Most cities in the San Diego region have passed bold Climate Action Plans (CAPs), and Orange County cities are following suit, but they have faced significant roadblocks in acting on climate because of a lack of resources and capacity. This challenge is especially true for smaller and under-resourced cities. 

Securing these historic resources through regional collaboration will enable all cities in our region to slash greenhouse gas emissions, implement CAPs, protect public health, center equity, and uplift the well-being of our communities. 

For more information and updates on our campaign to support the development of a Regional Climate Readiness Table, visit our landing page. Together, through regional collaboration, we can shape an equitable and sustainable future that leaves no community behind.

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