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How Can We Empower Equitable and Sustainable Mobility and Connect Communities to Vital Resources?

We’re excited to unveil our latest report, “Crunch Time for Climate: The City Must Double Down on Shifting Transportation Options to Reach Goals,” which uncovers the truth about our transportation system, highlighting the progress we’ve made and the pressing need for more.

Did you know transportation is responsible for 50% of San Diego’s greenhouse gas emissions? Our constantly congested traffic and polluted air remind us of our need to transform our transportation system.

The challenges go beyond emissions. Decades of unjust land use and transportation planning decisions have perpetuated segregation, isolation, and a dependence on personal vehicles—cracked sidewalks, unpaved roads, and inadequate infrastructure burden many Communities of Concern.

Everyone deserves access to healthy, safe, and affordable ways to get around our region. The City of San Diego committed to making this a reality with its 36% mode shift target by 2030. Unfortunately, we’re behind off-track on reaching our goals, with our mode shift in 2023 being at 13%. We have seven years to double our mode shift results, and yet no evidence or plan to get there.

The 2021 data shows commuter transit at 8%, pedestrian commuter mode share at 3%, and bicycle commuter mode share at 2%. These percentages miss all 2015 Climate Action Plan (CAP) targets of 12%, 4%, and 6%, respectively. They also have changed little, if at all, since 2015.

The Solution: The Mobility Master Plan

We can make an affordable, accessible, and equitable San Diego a reality. The City is close to drafting its first, and overdue, Mobility Master Plan (MMP) which could act as a roadmap to reaching our mode shift targets.

The MMP can address our challenges head-on by promoting equitable mobility options and encouraging alternative modes of transportation, such as walking, biking, and public transit. We aim to create a city where clean air, easy access, and safe roads take center stage.

For the MMP to successfully help us reach our mode shift goals, it must include the following recommendations:

  1. The MMP must be designed and developed to meet all mode share targets for 2030 and 2035.

  2. There needs to be a calculated total projected cost to develop and implement all projects, policies, and programs to reach mode share targets.

  3. It must include annual benchmarks and progress reporting on mode share targets to increase transparency and accountability.

  4. The MMP needs to prioritize investments in Communities of Concern to ensure equity is at the forefront of our action.

  5. It should integrate and advance other City and regional mobility plans, such as Safe Routes to School and the SANDAG 2025 Regional Plan.

  6. The MMP should demonstrate how existing mobility plans will get the City to its binding CAP mode share goals.

To learn more about the history of the MMP and the ways it can directly impact our communities, read our newest report, “Crunch Time for Climate: The City Must Double Down on Shifting Transportation Options to Reach Goals.” With a strong Mobility Master Plan leading the way, we can create an equitable and sustainable San Diego.

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