Our 5th Annual NightCAP Awards took place virtually on October 15th. This year’s NightCAP Awards Celebration was extra special because it was also our 5 year anniversary!
In traditional NightCAP fashion, we gave away five awards:
Unsung Hero: NAACP San Diego Branch: Environmental and Climate Justice Committee
Community Champion: UNITE HERE Local 30
Climate Courage: Encinitas Mayor Catherine Blakespear
Captain of Conservation: Kaiser Permanente San Diego
Climate Justice: Bishop George McKinney.
Congratulations to all the winners!
It goes without saying that this NightCAP was different. COVID continues to impact every aspect of our lives, so this year’s NightCAP was our first big virtual event.
Navigating the virtual event space was difficult! We had to come up with a plan that replicated what everyone loves about our in person events: engaging programming, networking opportunities, and sponsorships highlights.
We used a virtual event platform called Remo, a fully engaging and interactive virtual event space. We chose Remo because it allowed for more engagement than your typical Zoom event.
Of course, with a new virtual platform came a few technical challenges. We’d like to apologize to any of our guests who had trouble accessing or using the platform. We hope you were able to enjoy the celebration, despite these challenges!
We also want to thank our hilarious emcee - Imperial Beach Councilmember Mark West, who kept the audience entertained and engaged throughout the night! We couldn’t have asked for a better emcee.
If you’re interested in attending future Climate Action Campaign virtual events then you’re in luck! The Community Choice Energy Forum is coming up on Friday, December 4. Click here to purchase tickets.