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We Need Safer Streets for Bike Riders, Now.

On Monday, community members and advocates came together to demand immediate action to finally secure a complete network of safe bike infrastructure in San Diego. In the last month alone, five San Diegans traveling by bike have been killed by drivers.

Our elected officials have the power to end this senseless loss of life. We joined partner organizations in calling for:

  1. 25 miles of physically protected bike lanes per year.

  2. A Vision Zero Quick-Build Framework, to streamline bike projects in the areas of highest risk, informed by injury data and prioritized in Climate Equity Index Communities of Concern.

  3. A fully funded Mobility Action Plan—the roadmap we need to achieve the Climate Action Plan’s mode shift targets for biking, walking, and transit—and completed in 1 year.

We simply cannot ask more people to choose to go by bike if it is unsafe to do so. Want to learn more about what we’re fighting for? Check out our coalition letter HERE.

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